
Our talented writers in Glitch bring to you various columns about Glitch! Here they are:

Gone Thlopping- Rascalmom, bringing to you fun thlop sightings.

Travelling Ur: Lord Bacon-O guides you through the wonderful world of Glitch

The Witching Hour: What really happens in the wonderful world of Ur, in the wee hours of the midnight? Night owl SavannahBlueRose will tell you.

Trends of Glitch: Have a buttload of credits to spend? malo is here to help you choose the finest of the Glitch Wardrobe.

Agony Uncle: Sick of whining Agony Aunts? Angel Slocombe will help you with your in-game troubles because helping people is in his blood.

Photo of the Week: Submit your finest screenshots to The Cat Face, who will choose the best!

Partying in Glitch: Vacant position! Columnist wanted!

Overheard in Ur: Heard random snippets of conversation that sound so funny on their own? Eureka brings to you funny random conversation bits!

Player Interview: Wonder what the other Glitches think on a subject? MeherMan finds out, by interviewing newbies from the last test and veterans from the start of alpha alike.